Sunday, 24 February 2013

The Final Favourite!

Okay everyone, here it is! This is the final blog of my favourite five. It's about item that I finish this. Other people that are participating in this project finished this step almost a month ago. Finally, I am caught up.

This blog has everything: reviews, trivia, and funny articles about Broadway and what-not. This blog is the ultimate guide to all things Broadway. I hope you find it as interesting as I did!


Saturday, 23 February 2013

The Musical Theatre Dictionary

This blog is genius! Basically it's a dictionary for all the terms, sayings, and slang that are used in the world of theatre. It is very clever and actually very useful. From reading it, I ended up learning a lot!

So, check out this blog to discover the language of theatre:

Have fun!

Friday, 22 February 2013

Defying Gravity

This is the story of my favourite Broadway show: Wicked

My family was on vacation in New York a couple winters ago. The first night, we saw The Lion King. Wow! I didn't think that anything could top that! However, that night, we went to the Gershwin Theatre to see Wicked. I was stunned. The lyrics, music, set, and characters were all so mesmerising. I couldn't believe what I had just seen. It took a while for it to sink in. I realised that my life had changed after seeing Wicked. I have a new perspective on life. I look at things from the point of view as Elphaba, someone who is unique. I can relate to Elphaba in that way. I haven't been the same since that night at the theatre.

I have since seen the touring production of Wicked when it came to my city. Seeing it again made the experience happen all over again and I left the theatre that day feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. The touring production was much more intimate and I felt closer to the action and the story. It was a whole new experience for me. I will never forget seeing this show.

I can barely explain what Wicked means to me. It is a metaphor my life and so much of my life is influenced by Wicked. I will learn something new about myself and life every time I see Wicked, which, hopefully, will be many more.

This is an inspiring song that is sung by Elphaba at the beginning of act one. It represents that no matter who you are, you can do anything that you put your mind to. Anyone can reach their goals. Even a girl who is hated by practically everyone.

The Wizard and I by Stephen Schwartz

Did that really just happen?
Have I actually understood?
This weird quirk I've tried
To suppress or hide
Is a talent that could
Help me meet the Wizard
If I make good
So I'll make good

When I meet the Wizard,
Once I prove my worth,
And then I'll meet the Wizard
What I've waited for since, since birth!
And with all his Wizard wisdom,
By my looks, he won't be blinded
Do you think the Wizard is dumb?
Or, like Munchkins, so small-minded?
(Spoken: No!) He'll say to me,
"I see who you truly are -
A girl on whom I can rely!"
And that's how we'll begin
The Wizard and I:

Once I'm with the Wizard
My whole life will change
'Cuz once you're with the Wizard
No one thinks you're strange!
No father is not proud of you,
No sister acts ashamed
And all of Oz has to love you
When by the Wizard, you're acclaimed
And this gift or this curse
I have inside
Maybe at last, I'll know why
When we are hand in hand -
The Wizard and I!

And one day, he'll say to me, "Elphaba,
A girl who is so superior,
Shouldn't a girl who's so good inside
Have a matching exterior?
And since folks here to an absurd degree
Seem fixated on your verdigris
Would it be all right by you
If I de-greenified you?"

And though of course,
That's not important to me
"All right, why not?" I'll reply
Oh, what a pair we'll be
The Wizard and I;
Yes, what a pair we'll be
The Wizard and...

My future is unlimited
And I've just had a vision
Almost like a prophecy
I know - it sounds truly crazy
And true, the vision's hazy
But I swear, someday there'll be
A celebration throughout Oz
That's all to do with me!

And I'll stand there with the Wizard,
Feeling things I've never felt
And though I'd never show it,
I'd be so happy, I could melt!
And so it will be
For the rest of my life,
And I'll want nothing else
Till I die
Held in such high esteem
When people see me, they will scream
For half of Oz's favorite team;
The Wizard
And I!!!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

PLE Progress

So as you know, this blog was created in participation with a PLE project. So far, the project has been going rather well. I am enjoying having a blog as well as the other social media tools that are required for my PLN. It is sometimes hard to stay on top of things, but I've been managing okay. I haven't noticed a change in my productiveness or learning, but I am still in the early stages of the project! I will definitely be more dedicated to in keeping up with blog posts!

There's Nothing Like A Broadway Show!

Hi everyone! Sorry that I haven't written anything recently, but I have a whole lot of stuff on my mind that I need to share, so brace yourselves for a bunch a posts! Firstly, I need to get a move on with my PLE project. I'm falling a bit behind! So, to quicken things up, I'm going to blog about my next to favourite blogs right now!

Both of these blogs are independent reviewers for New York theatre. The first is an blogger who reviews off-off Broadway shows by small theatre companies. It is really neat to read about these lesser known shows that could be hidden gems in the New York theatre scene. It is very hard for these shows to get publicity and this blog advertises them very well. I suggest that you view this blog to see what cool, alternative shows are playing in the city. It would be a great experiment and hopefully a good experience to go see a show that is not mainstream.

Here is the link:

This next blog is hilarious. While this blogger is slightly more negative towards the theatre, he adds a needed sense of reality to the Broadway stage. This blog puts a satirical spin to the shows and events on Broadway. My favourites are parodies of the scripts from Wicked and the 2012 Tony Awards! If you want to have a good laugh, please visit this blog. Warning: Not for the easily offended!

So, I hope you take pleasure in reading these blogs and I promise that I'll be back soon with more personal stories and my final two favourite blogs!

There's Nothing Like A Broadway Show from The Producers

The overture is over,
The curtain starts to rise
You're suddenly in clover
You can't believe your eyes
You're sitting on the aisle
You break into a smile
Why this magic feeling
And then you realize
That there is nothing like a show on broadway
Nothing like a broadway show
Hearts will skip a beat on broadway
If you're feeling blue
I'm telling you
Thats the place to go
Movies drag
Their ending's sag
TV's just a bore
So hit the street
And move and your feat
To the place we all adore
There's nothing like a show on broadway
Nothing like a broadway show!

It's often been said that theatre is dead
The critics repeat it en masse
But the theatres alive
It's gonna survive
Although it's a pain in the ass.
You waited forever,
And finally got tickets,
To get to your seat you gotta cross pickets,
The guy to your right is frightfully tight,
The guy to your left appears to have rickets!
The music's yuck,
The lyrics suck,
And the casting's all wrong!
And when you reach the bathroom the line is 5 miles long.

But still there's nothing like a show on broadway.
There's nothing like a broadway show.
You swear you'll never go again,
It's simply not worthwile.
You make that vow, and then somehow... 
...You're back there on the aisle.
That's why there's nothing like a show on broadway.
There's nothing like a broadway show.
There's nothing like a broadway show.
And though it is expensive at a 100 bucks a throw!
there's nothing... like a broadway show! 

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Blog #1

As part of my PLE assignment, I have to find at least five other blogs that I can blog about to create my Personal Learning Network. So after a very brief search, I stumbled upon a blogger who's blog is entitled "Broadway & Me". This person clearly is a much better blogger than myself and has a ton more information, especially in the topic of current broadway news. To be frank, her blog is simply amazing! I am suggesting this blog beacause I think that "Broadway & Me" conveys a similar message that I am trying to show: There is nothing bettter than a Broadway show!  I can learn a lot from this blogger and I hope that you will too!

So, without further adieu, the link to "Broadway & Me"-

I strongly suggest that you follow this blog! Enjoy!


So, I should clear something up. I have created this blog not only to share my passions with the world, but also to participate in my school's PLE (Personal Learning Environment) project. I will be creating a network of information about my intersts as part of a study to see how social media affects learning. As part of my Learning Network, I will be posting links to other blogs about my topic in order to create a vast network of info.  I just thought that my readers should know everything about what this blog is for! Thanks!

There's no business like show business like no business I know
Everything about it is appealing, everything that traffic will allow
Nowhere could you get that happy feeling when you are stealing that extra bow

There's no people like show people, they smile when they are low
Even with a turkey that you know will fold, you may be stranded out in the cold
Still you wouldn't change it for a sack of gold, let's go on with the show

The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Are secretly unhappy men because
The butcher, the baker, the grocer, the clerk
Get paid for what they do but no applause.
They'd gladly bid their dreary jobs goodbye for anything theatrical and why?

There's no business like show business and I tell you it's so
Traveling through the country is so thrilling, standing out in front on opening nights
Smiling as you watch the theater filling, and there's your billing out there in lights

There's no people like show people, they smile when they are low
Angels come from everywhere with lots of jack, and when you lose it, there's no attack
Where could you get money that you don't give back? Let's go on with the show

(There's no business like show business like no business I know)
You get word before the show has started that your favorite uncle died at dawn
Top of that, your pa and ma have parted, you're broken-hearted, but you go on

(There's no people like show people, they smile when they are low)
Yesterday they told you you would not go far, that night you open and there you are
Next day on your dressing room they've hung a star, let's go on with the show!!

Monday, 4 February 2013

Lullaby of Broadway

I want to put lyrics to a Broadway song with every post. I forgot to add some for my last post so here is "Lullaby of Broadway" from 42nd Street!

Come on along and listen to
The Lullaby of Broadway
The hip hooray and bally hoo
The Lullaby of Broadway

The rumble of a subway train
The rattle of a taxi
The daffodils who entertain
At Angelo's and Maxie's

When a Broadway baby says good night
It's early in the morning
Manhattan babies don't sleep tight
Until the dawn

Goodnight, baby
Goodnight, the milkman's on his way
Sleep tight, baby
Sleep tight, let's call it a day, hey

Come on along, listen to
The Lullaby of Broadway
The Copacabana, Birdland to
The Lullaby of Broadway

The band begins to go to town
And everything gets hazy
You rock-a-bye your baby 'round
To Ellington or Basie

When a Broadway baby says good night
It's early in the morning
Manhattan babies don't sleep tight
Until the dawn

Goodnight, baby
Goodnight, the milkman's on his way
Sleep tight, baby
Sleep tight, let's call it a day
But listen to the Lullaby of Old Broadway

Come on along and be a Broadway

Goodnight, baby
Goodnight, the milkman's on his way
Sleep tight, baby
Sleep tight, let's call it a day
But listen to the Lullaby of Old Broadway

The Hiding Place

This is the story of my very first experience with watching theatre:

I was about five years old when my mother took me to a heritage village and museum for a day trip. One of the attractions at said museum, was a show about a small town during the gold rush. I was engaged throughout the whole performance which is uncharacteristic of a five year old. There was something about the coming together of actors on a stage that grabbed my full attention. The fact that artists can come together and communally create a magic onstage was breathtaking for me. The show stole my heart and it has never given my love back.

One of the coolest things that I found about that show, was how the actors would leave the stage via the wings and later return to the stage from a different part of the wings and sometimes even in a different costume. This was the most exciting thing that I had ever seen. Being the feeble-minded child that I was, I believed that this occurrence was pure magic! Out of my excitement, I named the backstage area the "Hiding Place". After all, this was where the actors hid from the audience. This term stuck with me for many years and that is what was known to me.

After that first show, I was hooked. Theatre has since been a grand and special experience for me. The days leading up to see a new show are always exciting. Seeing shows are my favourite thing to do. Shows bring me to a new world of adventure where my current problems and worries can leave me. I get to sit back in my chair and enjoy the talents of others who entertain me. I hope there are others in the world who share this love of mine. Theatre is a gift that not everyone has the luxury of receiving. Some people don't appreciate theatre as it should be appreciated. Theatre is not to be taken for granted, but it is definitely something that will change a person's life.

Friday, 1 February 2013


Hi Everyone! This is my first post on my first blog ever we go!

My name is Brian and I am a theatre nut! That's basically what this blog is about: Theatre.
I love every type of theatre: musical theatre, drama, puppetry, experimental, dance, mime, clown, etc.
So I'll be sharing my various experiences with the theatre whether it's onstage, or in the audience!
I'll also share a lot of information on theatre history and what's going on with theatre in the world currently.

Broadway is my happy place. That's where we'll be most of the time on this blog. I hope that many of you will find my experiences and writing interesting and you'll subscribe my blog! Enjoy the ride with me through the glorious world of theatre. To close off my first post ever, I will share some of the lyrics to a very fitting song: On Broadway by George Benson