Monday, 1 April 2013

A City On Seven Hills (Not Rome)

San Francisco was great! I had a wonderful time experiencing all of the necessary tourist attractions as well as some cool activities that are more out of the way. Probably my favourite thing that I did was visiting Alcatraz. It was really cool to wander through the jail cells. I even got to experience being locked away in isolation in the dark and small cell appropriately called "The Hole". San Francisco is completely different in every way from the city that I live in. First of all, the fact that it is built on a number of steep hills was very surprising and took a little bit of getting used to. I did not expect the taxi ride from the airport to feel like a roller coaster. The overall atmosphere of the city was very different and it was a nice change from regular life. It is hard to explain exactly what felt different, but it just did.

First things first: the food. Well, the food was incredible! My breakfasts were very american and they were very big which caused us to skip lunch. Of course, the breakfasts were delicious. Probably the best breakfast place the I could recommend, is Rose's Cafe on Union Street. For dinner we mostly ate Italian food. We ate at some very authentic, yet affordable restaurants. My favourite restaurant would have to be Scala's in Union Square. When we drove to Berkley, we ate at this really cool joint called Cheese Board Pizza Collective which serves one type of pizza per day. The one they were serving the day I was there was roasted potato with key limes. It was FANTASTIC! One of the best pizza's that I've had. If you are visiting Berkley, you should definitely go there! So, I ate very well on my vacation.

I did end up catching a show while on vacation. It was in this little studio theatre that was in the basement of some building. I didn't expect much looking around and at the stage. Boy was I wrong! I saw Foodies The Musical. It was a hilarious song cycle about everything to do with eating. My Favourite song was about using Groupons to eat at restaurants. The singing was very professional and the show has been running for six months. It is definitely a hidden gem in San Francisco. Foodies was a good laugh and a wonderfully written show!

Overall, I had a very nice time exploring San Francisco. I don't have enough space or time to write about everything that I did because I did basically everything! I like the city a lot and I will definitely have to go back some day. San Francisco treated me very well!

1 comment:

  1. Foodies: The Musical? Sounds like a riot! I love San Fransisco, mostly because it is so similar, in many ways, to home. I think that it is interesting that you have focused on the differences. Mind you, I was last there in 1985... :(
